Three New Announcement Languages Added

Passenger2 is excited to announce that it is now even more user-friendly, with the addition of three new languages for in-flight announcements. Users can now enjoy announcements in Hebrew, Italian, and European Portuguese.

The new languages have been thoughtfully translated to maintain clarity and accuracy. The Hebrew announcements were translated by Ariel Harlev, the Italian versions by Paolo, and the European Portuguese translations by Luís Pacheco from Portugal. These additions ensure users who speak these languages feel more at home and informed during their experience.

With the introduction of Hebrew, Italian, and European Portuguese, Passenger2 acknowledges the diverse linguistic backgrounds of its users. Communication is paramount for the Passenger2 experience, and expanding the range of available languages helps in breaking down barriers and improving the overall experience.

“Our goal is to make every user feel welcomed and informed, no matter where they come from or what language they speak,” said Scott Thompson, Lead Developer. “By adding these languages, we are taking a significant step towards inclusivity and ensuring that our users have the best flying experience possible.”

If you can help us with translations, see our contribute page.